Friday, March 20, 2015

Ahh... I am a Bricoleur... A tinkerer of my own destiny....

I, am a fat man.  And I run.
I have learned a few things in my life.
1.  I make what I want of the world.
2.  I make my own luck.
3.  If I run over 30 miles a week - it is a good week.
4.  Pick your poison - but running is my antidote for most of the things.
5.  If you want to be a victim - go ahead - but don't play that card with me - it annoys me.

People balk at the idea that you can do whatever you want to do if you set your mind to it.  There were people who did not want electric lights - they were called the Lamp Lighters Guild.  Yeah. Losers.
Losers always complain about doing their best.  But I digress.
I don't want to call anyone out - or make them feel bad.  That is not my point.  My point is that you CAN do whatever you want to do.  If you want to be a doctor then do it.  You want to be a painter - do it.  You want to ride elephants do it.  You want to be the best at what you have been choose to do?  Do it.  Don't dig around in your bag of tricks for the victim card.  The woe is me because something happened to you and you can't fix it.  Of course you can fix it. It might be painful and it might be unenjoyable - but you can fix it.  You can do it.  You can make the choice to make the up or down decision.  You can hold the line - battle to the last - and make your choice.  But, you make the choice.

I went running today.  Not out in the bright wonderful sunshine - but in the gym.  On a treadmill.  For 13.3 miles.  The treadmill only has a small brain.  It does not understand anything over an hour.  So you have to restart yourself every hour on the hour or it dies.  It then needs to be coaxed back to life and then it has to know you want to go all the way again.  All the way. Not half way.  Not a quarter.  The entire distance.  I am not the fastest man in the world.  Sir Roger Bannister would lap me four times every mile.  He was a miler.  The best.  I am consistently a 5.6 MPH runner.  That means I go 5.6 Miles Per Hour.  Literally per hour I go 5.6 miles.  So I had to restart twice.

My point is - that I would rather have been out in the air and the sunshine.  But I made due with what I had - and that was a treadmill and the time I had on hand.  I did with what I had.  If you look up Bricoleur - they tinker with what they have and make something different.  That is what you can do with your life.

Not to get academic on you - but there is the story of the Mann Gulch Disaster.  Short of it - firefighters land at a fire site in Montana at 410PM - thinking it will be a small fire - something they can conquer by 10AM the next day.  At 540PM - the fire jumped the gulch - and began to burn up behind the fire fighters - and by 556PM - 13 of them were dead and three survived.  This is an interesting read on many fronts.  The article is linked below:

So if in your life - you land at 410 - what will you do to survive past 556?  You make your life different.  You do something different.  You make yourself into something that will adapt and live.  You assess the situation - and you change.  In my life - I decide to run so I won't die early.  You make your life what you want.  You do what you have to do to survive the next day.  The next mile.  the next struggle.  You choose.
I choose to run.  Not fast - but consistent and I will win my own race.