Monday, May 6, 2013

Don't Look Back.

Today was a gut run.  You know the type of run I speak of I think.  It is a run that you need to do, that will be good for you, but your critical thinking portion of your brain says "Stay at your computer, maybe an email will come through and you will feel useful."

I wasn't going to let that happen. I did not want that to happen.  So I looked at the mileage sheet that my wife so wonderfully provided for me, and it said "3" meaning today was going to be a quick 3 rather than a long 18 or a short 12.  So I went for the run.  I went up the hills and across the foothills and through the traffic and over a couple of cross walks and then I was done.  I pushed myself because I could.  I pushed myself because I know that for the rest of the day I get to sit on my butt and handle issues or crisis or any number of tasks that might arise.  But, my run is done for the day.

So let me share with you a few kernels of wisdom that I had mashing around in my brain.

1.  Don't ever look back.  The past is something that you cannot change because it is done and you can't do anything else to change it now.  I hearken to Roger Bannister and John Landy - John lost his focus in the last few meters of the race and Roger blew past him to secure the race.  Don't ever look back.

2.  Don't ever stop.  If you stop you begin to tighten up and lose your resolve.  You won't have the ability to get up the next hill or the next mile. If you stop it will invariably take longer to get back home.  Back to your kids, your tasks, and your life.  Wait.  Maybe you do need to stop.  On second thought don't stop.  The one thing about running is that you get to go all the way out and all the way back.  You are in control of what you are doing and how you will accomplish it.  Don't muddle through a run - just go out and do it and get it done.  Unless you are truly injured, bleeding, or your leg has fallen off - get to it.  Your run awaits.

3.  You are in control.  You decide how fast to go - how long to go - your pace - and in the end, the results.  You get to choose where to go.  I apologize to all those that lived under Communist Running dictatorships where they told you how far and how long and what to do.  You choose.  You go.  Go do.

4.  Excuses.  Don't Live them, don't water them, don't repeat them, don't encourage them, don't appease them, don't love them, don't help them.  Like a avalanche of fire rolling down the mountain burning everything in it's path, exploding trees by boiling the sap from within, clearing whole swaths of the mountain and charging onward.  Don't timidly step out on the street, bull out there and make your statement.  You are your own nemesis.  Make your mark.

5.  Demons.  Name them.  Mark them.  Hunt them.  Kill them.  Win.


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