Monday, August 21, 2017

My own Capone... Knives, guns, hospitals, morgues.

I am a runner - not as fast as the guys trying to break the sound barrier - but I move in my own pace - grind out my own runs.  I run.  For long distances.  Not as long as the ultra runners - but I may do that some day.
During my rest day - Sunday - the day after 16.2 miles of fun running - I was cleaning the kitchen. Not my most favorite thing to do - but the kids were in bed - meaning - the twins were in bed but protesting.  So I put on a classic movie from my childhood.

The Untouchables.

Now I know what you are thinking - "Dave - Mr. Fat Man Running - your childhood included that movie?  You must be tainted in some way."
The movies from my youth are varied.  I enjoyed Bedknobs and Broomsticks - but also Saving Private Ryan.  So if you are judging me - go ahead - I don't care.

Back to The Untouchables - there is the scene in the Church - when Elliot Ness is talking with his new mentor - Jimmy Malone - and they are discussing the "how" to "get" Capone.  If you are familiar with this - it involves escalating the argument till you win.  Escalation - ratcheting up your determination because you will win.  You will win because you take more guts and determination.  Knives, guns, hospitals, morgues.

So, the question becomes - what is your Capone?  What are you willing to grind up to make energy to face your Capone?  I have mine - I know what it is - and I know it is going to be a hard struggle.  But I will win.  I will conquer and I will do whatever it takes to win.

Will Smith - not afraid to die on a treadmill:
Al Pacino - the six inches in front of your face:

Inches - play by play - what are you going to do to win?
Do you set down the "Sorry I'm Me" and crawl out of the place you have put yourself in.  And win.
Winning matters.  Effort matters.  YOU MATTER!
Finding yourself in a battle for yourself - Meeting your Capone.  You fight for the inches around you. You claw and tear till you win.
You know it makes the difference between winning and losing - living and dying.
You choose to live today.  I choose to LIVE today.
You go out and find your Capone - and you escalate till you win.
No holds barred - fighting for you - fighting for your goal.
Knives.  Guns.  Hospitals.  Morgues.  YOU DON'T END UP IN THE MORGUE.
You put Capone there.  Because today - today - at this minute you choose to win.  And you do it.

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