Sunday, August 15, 2010

18 Miles. 3 Hours - 10 Minutes

The key to running long distances is to keep moving.
Movement entails the accomplishing of a goal.

This Saturday was the second of my 18 mile runs. 18 miles is something that is daunting to mere mortals such as I. It entails movement for a solid three hours. I don't think that I move that much between the fridge and the sofa.

I think that the mental game that happens on the run is as important as the physical one. I don't think you can just pop off an 18 mile run without doing the physical preparation first. The same goes for the mental run that you are doing while in motion. My track for the 18 miles was over to Shreiner's hospital along 11th Ave, and then back to City Creek Canyon for the up hill, down hill, and twisting roller coaster that finishes the run. This run took a bit of mental toughness because some of the run your body is leaning away from the entrance to the canyon, just as a normal man would turn away from the Kraken.

The key is to keep moving. All runs eventually end. Just as my mother-in-law says "All bleeding eventually stops." The longer you keep moving the shorter the run is. So what you see on the run is the opportunity to discuss with yourself the end result. What do I want to accomplish? How fast do I need to go? What should my time be? Why don't they allow roller skates on my marathon? All deep questions that need to be answered.

The real question that I get to answer each and every day of the run: Am I willing to go the distance and finish the course?

1 comment:

  1. You're the MAN! Monster month was the hardest part for me mentally. Having done this whole thing once, I think it makes it easier and harder at the same time. Easier because you know you CAN do it and harder because you know how it feels. Still, you're kicking some serious A** with a time like that.
