Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Easy was never worth it.

I was out running this morning - with my faithful dog and the goal was 8 miles. I came in just a tad over 1 Hr and 20 Minutes.

As I was running up the hills and around the twisting lanes that God has laid out for my personal potential ER visit - I came to a conclusion about life in general.

Nothing Easy Is Ever Worth It. Kids are not easy, but are worth it. Free hot dogs or food just to lure you into buying something - not worth it. Twinkies by the case at Costco. Easy - and really not worth it in the end. Going up and down hills and pounding along beating the concrete into submission - is not easy. Is it worth it?

I would vote in the affirmative of that action. You see I don't think that easy things ever produce much. Walking is easy - running is not. 1 mile runs are easy - 26.2 miles is just a touch this side of insanity - but still worth it.

It was easy going to Carl's Junior - swiping the card - downing the burger, fries, and the shake to go along with it. Easy my friend. It was not quite easy bleeding out through my pores this morning that was not quite ideal. I think it is amazing that your intake tube is so much more forgiving than the output. Squeezing a burger, fries, and a shake out through the pores in your skin is not what I would call enjoyable.

So I dare you to come up with something that is both easy and worth it. I once went upstairs of an automotive dealership that I worked for and found free stuff everywhere. Hats, BBQ sets, American Flags, denture cream, and streamers. All of it free - all of it junk - except the American Flags.

Although I cannot monetize the worth of the run - I can tell you that when the run begins it starts the fire - churns the thoughts - cleanses the inner voice - creates solitude - and in my case panics ground squirrels within a 500 yard radius.

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